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Parish Ministries
The principal mission of the Church where the priest leads the entire congregation to worship God and participate in the Eucharistic meal. It is the source and summit of the entire Catholic faith.
Funeral Mass - please call the office 504- 866 3669
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is the initiating rite of the Church. It is available for children and adults. Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic through baptism please call the main office to make an appointment 504 - 866 3669
Sacrament of Matrimony
Matrimony is a sacrament in which a couple vows to be in a covenant with God. It is a lifelong sacrament that can only be found in the presence of God and his church between a man and a woman. For couples who are interested in becoming married in the Catholic Church, you must contact the parish office before any other plans are made.
A ministry radically centered around the word of God. People will proclaim the scriptures from the pulpit during mass.
Fifteen minutes before every mass or by appointment with one of our priests, Catholics who wish to reconcile their relationship with God participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. In this rite, an individual can come to find peace with themselves and God to continue their life in peace and harmony.
In a prayerful environment, these parishioners help set up for mass, assist liturgical worship, and close the church after mass and other various worship services.
We have the exposition of the blessed sacrament (the Eucharist exposed in a monstrance)This is a form of prayer where saints of the church found communion with God.
Weekly Adoration
Every Saturday at 3:00pm
Sundays after 10:30 AM Mass until 12:30 and after 5:30pm Mass.
Tuesdays after 8:00 AM Mass with Holy Face Devotion Chaplet.
Thursdays after 8:00 AM Mass with Rosary.
Monthly Adoration
Every Third Wednesday at 7:00 PM KC's hour of Adoration
Every Third Friday after 8:00 AM Mass with a Rosary for the priests.
Holy Face Devotion
Every Tuesday after 8:00 AM Mass and
Every Sunday after 10:30 AM Mass.
The rosary is recited on every Thursdays after morning with Adoration. After the rosary, members of the congregation get together to have coffee, cookies and chit-chat in the parish house.
Every 3rd. Friday of each month the Rosary is recited only for the priests.
with a chaplet and Adoration.
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday at 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary.
Apostolate of Divine Mercy
Meeting every Saturday at 3:00, the Apostolate of Divine Mercy worships Jesus and the mercy he has to give to the world. Based on the devotion of Sister Faustina, it hopes to bring people to a more intimate relation with Christ.
St. Michael's Chapel
Dedicated to the intercession of St. Michael. Located in the back of the church, there is a bulletin honoring the men and women who serve this country. Also, there is a prayer book for anyone to write down any prayer for any reason.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
Sacred Heart Enthronement
This is a devotion and a way of life that radically transforms your family. With a formal ceremony, your house will be enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A team of trained promoters will come to your home, offer formation on the devotion and conduct a ceremony. Contact Amanda at 504-875-8440
Adult Formation
Mater Dolorosa has ample opportunity for adults to find greater fulfillment in their faith. We offer parish missions, concerts and educational series to provide peace and enlightenment. Those looking for a bit more can discover it at such missions and reflections.
Knights of Columbus
A fraternal organization for practical Catholic men ages 18 and older who wish to take a servicing role in their church. For men wanting to combine faith and action, the Knights of Columbus is an excellent organization to join a band of brothers for the sake of Christ.
RCIA - Right of Christian Initiation for Adults
Meeting Sunday morning from 9 to 10:30, allows adults who are inquiring about the Catholic faith to take a year long journey. This journey can lead an individual to become Catholic or continue studying the faith. It is a sacred time of exploration and discovery.
Contact Brian Dufrene (985) 414-1642
The Enlightened Sages
This is a ministry for our parishioners at 50+ years of age. We meet the 1st Thursday of every month at 1:00p.m. There is faith sharing and fellowship.
Lord Teach Me to Pray
Prayer groups were adults learn to pray base on the prayer life of St. Ignatius.
Altar Servers
A ministry for children between 3rd grade and 12th grade who have made their first communion. Alter servers enjoy becoming part of a team that rotates between various masses to serve God. Also parents can participate by going with the alter servers to various fields trips and adventures. Contact Steve at 504-339-5149
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Meeting on Sunday morning from 9 to 10:30, the PSR seeks to teach children PK to 12 the basic tenants of the faith. The children enjoy learning their faith in a safe environment.
Pam Eshleman 504-722-9781
Family and Friends
Community Outreach
Working in partnership with Rebuilding Together, the parishoners of Mater Dolorosa help in renovating a home in our parish. Usually sometime in October, we experience a fun-filled day of repairing and rebuilding.
Family Day
In October, the entire parish of Mater Dolorosa comes together to celebrate family. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus, it is our parish picnic of free food and fun games.
Fish Fry
During Lent, the Knights of Columbus host three evenings of fish-fry dinners. Occurring after the Way of the Cross, in the backyard of the rectory, we have a great time with family and friends building relationships and eating delicious food.