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6 - Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Pachamama was worshiped at Vatican and it wasn’t harmless

'To put Pachamama on altars or in consecrated churches in order to worship them, is a true and plain desecration.'

Article Link

5 -  Bp. Schneider rebukes Pope Francis’ remarks at ecumenical meeting: Catholicism is ‘the one true religion’

The auxiliary bishop of Astana made numerous, clear comments to the media on the primacy of the Catholic Church.

Article Link



4 - Bishop Schneider: Suppression of Summorum Pontificum would be an ‘abuse of power

The auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan discussed what would happen if the Vatican moved to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass. 


3 + Athanasius Schneider on vax mandate
Today, I greet all of those workers who at this very hour who are being forced to choose between keeping their job and getting the Covid-19
vaccine or being fired for not getting the vaccine. Through this brief letter I extend some encouragement in your trials. The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima can also offer a religious
exemption.  Some of you have already paid the price for the truth about the Covid-19 vaccine and its causal link to abortion.


1 - Bishop Schneider Publishes Open Letter Condemning Pachamama Idolatry

In a new open letter published today, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, invoking his “ordination as a Catholic bishop and successor to the Apostles,”...


2 -  Bp. Schneider warns COVID restrictions are creating ‘a society of slaves’
In a new interview, Bishop Athanasius Schneider affirms his position of ‘no exception’ for abortion-tainted vaccines and draws parallels between the Soviet propaganda of his childhood and what is currently happening in the Western world.



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